Tomaž Stepišnik Perdih
Department of Knowledge Technologies
Jozef Stefan Institute
Tomaž Stepišnik Perdih is currently working as a Researcher in the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jozef Stefan Institute , Slovenia. He/she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities.
Research Interest
Data Mining
Stepišnik Perdih T, Širok B, Dular M. Influence of Hydrodynamic Cavitation on Intensification of Laundry Aqueous Detergent Solution Preparation. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering [Internet]. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; 2017 Feb 15;63(2):83–91.
Šarc A, Stepišnik-Perdih T, Petkovšek M, Dular M. The issue of cavitation number value in studies of water treatment by hydrodynamic cavitation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry [Internet]. Elsevier BV; 2017 Jan;34:51–9.
Stepišnik Perdih T, Osojnik A, Džeroski S, Kocev D. Option Predictive Clustering Trees for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science [Internet]. Springer International Publishing; 2017;116–23.