Miguel Roca I Junyet
member of our Board of Directors
ACS Group
Born in Cauderan (France) in 1940. Degree in Law from Universitat de Barcelona and Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Distance Education Universities of León, Girona and Cádiz. Professional experience: Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona; Deputy representing Barcelona and Chairman of the Catalan Parliamentary Group in the Chamber of Deputies (1977-1995). Member of the Panel that drafted the 1978 Constitution, as well as of the Committee that drafted the Catalonia Statute of Autonomy. He has been a practising lawyer since 1962: Chairman and Partner of the firm of Roca Junyent, with offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Girona, Lleida and Shanghai. Customer Ombudsman at Seguros Catalana Occidente since March 1996. Board Secretary of Banco Sabadell, Abertis Infraestructuras, TYPSA and Accesos de Madrid, S.A. Director of ENDESA. Member of the Board of ACS. MEMBER OF THE FOLLOWING BOARDS OF DIRECTORS: Listed Companies • Member of the Board of ENDESA, S.A.
Research Interest
Law,Business and Management