Miguel Vega
Allinky Biopharma
From 2003 to 2011, Miguel served as the Director of Studies & Innovation, and Head of Technology Transfer, at the SpanishNational Foundation for Genomics and Biotechnology (Genoma España). During this period he participated actively and co-led of one of the largest Public Biotechnology Seed Capital Funds in Spain. Before 2003, Miguel held different positions as: Director for Entrepreneurship and Business Development at the Madrid Science Park; Head of the Biotechnology Innovation Program at the Madrid Regional Platform for Science and Technology; and Scientific Agent at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the European Commission. Miguel holds a Degree in Bioprocess Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a Diploma from the Program for General Management (PDD) run by the IESE Business School.
Research Interest
Genomics and Biotechnology.