D Elena De La Casa EsperÓn
Associate Professor
Castilla La Mancha University
PhD in Biology from the University of Salamanca (1997), where she obtained her doctorate in the mixed center of Genetic Microbiology of the CSIC / USAL. She was a postdoctoral fellow (1997-2001) and Assistant Scientist (2001-2005) at Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple University School of Medicine (Philadelphia, PA, USA) from 2005 to 2010 Assistant Professor with Tenure Track in the Department of Biology of the University of Texas , Arlington (USA) Since 2010 she is Researcher of the Science and Technology Park of Castilla-La Mancha at the Regional Center for Biomedical Research (CRIB). In addition, and since 2011, is Associate Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Research Interest
Biochemistry (Chem. Inorgan., Org. And Bioq)
Genomic Imprinting ", by E. de la Casa Esperon. For the book " Gene regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling " published by Wiley-VCH VerlagGmbH & Co. Weinheim, Germany. In press
A genomic reservoir for genes is developmentally regulated and imprinted in the mouse ." E. de la Casa-Esperón, G.Cordier and N.Engel. Epigenetics 7, 626-34. 2012
Non-mammalian parent-of-origin effects". E. de la Casa-Esperon. Methods in Molecular Biology 925, 277-94. 2012
Horizontal transfer and the evolution of host-pathogen interactions". E. de la Casa-Esperón. International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012: 679045. 2012
Intronic parent-of-origin dependent differentially methylation at the locus is conserved in rodents but is not associated with imprinted expression " JDCalaway, JIDomÃnguez, MEHanson, ECCambranis, F.Pardo-Manuel de Villena and E. de la Casa-Esperon. PLoS One 7, e48936. 2012.