Ana Huerta González
Internal Medicine
Clinical University of Navarre
Graduated in Medicine in 2002 by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctor in Medicine in 2013 by the University of Navarra. Specialist in Internal Medicine in 2009 by the University of Navarra Clinic. Research Areas He has worked for two years in the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences of the CIMA and currently collaborates with them in 4 research projects. He has spent 3 months at the Jackson Memorial Hospital of Miami in Hospitality. ACTIVITY As a teacher Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine. Collaborates in the subject of Physiopathology in the Faculty of Sciences. Clinical Advisor at the Faculty of Medicine. As researcher He has written over 20 communications to national / international conferences. He has collaborated in the realization of 2 chapters of the book "The clinic and the laboratory". He has published 5 articles in national and international magazines.
Research Interest
Hospitalism, multi-patient and severe patient.