Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno
Complutense University of Madrid
"Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno is affiliated to Psychobiology, Complutense University of Madrid, where Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno is currently working as Professor. Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno has authored and co-authored several national and international publications and also working as a reviewer for reputed professional journals. Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno is having an active association with different societies and academies around the world. Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno made his mark in the scientific community with the contributions and widely recognition from honourable subject experts around the world. Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno has received several awards for the contributions to the scientific community. Dr. Jose Antonio Lopez Moreno major research interest involves Pharmacology, Behavior, Genetics and Prevention. ."
Research Interest
"Pharmacology, Behavior, Genetics and Prevention. "
Echeverry-Alzate V, Giné E, Bühler KM, Calleja-Conde J, Olmos P, Gorriti MA, Nadal R, RodrÃguez de Fonseca F, López-Moreno JA. Effects of topiramate on ethanol-cocaine interactions and DNA methyltransferase gene expression in the rat prefrontal cortex. Br J Pharmacol. 2014 Jun;171(12):3023-36.
Marco EM, Echeverry-Alzate V, López-Moreno JA, Giné E, Peñasco S, Viveros MP. Consequences of early life stress on the expression of endocannabinoid-related genes in the rat brain. Behav Pharmacol. 2014 Sep;25(5-6):547-56.
López-Moreno JA, Marcos M, Calleja-Conde J, Echeverry-Alzate V, Bühler KM, Costa-Alba P, Bernardo E, Laso FJ, RodrÃguez de Fonseca F, Nadal R, Viveros MP, Maldonado R, Giné E. Histone Deacetylase Gene Expression Following Binge Alcohol Consumption in Rats and Humans. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2015 Oct;39(10):1939-50.