Paloma Cubas Dominguez
Department of Plant Biology II
Complutense University of Madrid
Paloma Cubas studied biology at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), where she completed her bachelor's degree in 1976. She was an FPI doctoral fellow from 1977 to 1980 and assistant professor of botany at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Complutense University from 1980 to beginning of 1983. As a predoctoral fellow, she spent time in Marseille (France) at the Laboratory of Professor Juliette Constandriopoulos, where she learned cytogenetic techniques, and subsequently worked with Dr. Anne Sleep at the University of Leeds (England) on cytogenetics and experimental hybridization of ferns. He obtained his PhD in Biology in 1983. From 1983 to mid-1986 he lived in Concepción (Chile), returning to Madrid in 1986, joining the Department of Plant Biology II, Faculty of Pharmacy (UCM) as a Scholar and later as an assistant and Full Professor since 1991. Paloma Cubas He is also an external collaborator of the IGeA (Institute of Applied Geology) of the University of Castilla - La Mancha and together with Roberto Oyarzun he maintains the web pages of Systemol, Aula2puntonet and GEMM.
Research Interest
Her research activity has been related to the systematics of different groups of vascular plants (ferns and genisteas), and currently lichens. She collaborated with Flora Iberica with the writing of the genre Ulex, reason for his thesis. Although he began his career in the world of classical systematics (morphology, cytogenetics, palynology) in recent years he has worked on phylogeny and phylogeography based on molecular characters. The ultimate goal is to integrate the available information into a phylogenetic system that reflects the evolutionary relationships within the groups. She has also collaborated in mining-environmental issues with geologists of the GEMM from the point of view of the vegetation that develops in areas affected by mining.
Divakar, PK et al. Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi. 2015. New Phytologist 208 (4): 1217-1226.