Atanasio Pandiella
General Science
Atanasio Pandiella is the Vicedirector of the Centro de Investigación del Cáncer (CIC, Salamanca, Spain) and Head of the Translational Oncopharmacology Laboratory, devoted to the optimization of drugs for the treatment of several neoplastic diseases. Atanasio obtained his medical degree in 1983 at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and in 1987 his Ph.D. degree by the same University. After four years as a postdoctoral fellow in Milan working on signaling by growth factors under the direction of Prof. J. Meldolesi, he moved to the Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York where he extended his experience in this field under the direction of Prof. Joan Massagué. After coming back to Spain, Dr. Pandiella has been involved in the study of how growth factors and their receptors participate in the generation of pro-oncogenic signals. This aspect of the research has been the basis of various translational studies in breast cancer and multiple myeloma. He also collaborates with clinical oncologists in the development of novel therapies in cancer. These collaborations have been able to settle several clinical trials using novel antitumoral therapies.
Research Interest
General Science