Berta Ponsati
Chief Executive Officer
GP Pharm , Spain
Dr. Berta Ponsati was born in Barcelona and has developed most of her career in the Pharmaceutical Industry. She studied chemistry in Barcelona (1983), Master in science on SPPS of oligonucelotides (1985) and PhD in Organic Chemistry by Universitat de Barcelona (1990). Most of her training was focused on Peptide Chemistry which was then extend by a short stay in UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and a postdoctoral stay at CBM (Centro de Biologia Molecular) in Madrid. She started his professional career in 1990 as Director of the Peptide Synthesis Department in Lipotec S.A. In 2005, she became CEO at BCN Peptides S.A. Since 2012, she is CEO of GP Pharm S.A. In this period, GP Pharm has grown continuously expanding its international presence, widen their Contract Manufacturing activities and consolidating its presence on the Spanish market. In addition, Dr. Ponsati is coauthor of multiple papers and patents and has directed several PhD focused on peptide synthesis research.
Research Interest
Oncological research