Carolina Cañibano Sanchez
Institute of Management of Innovation and Knowledge
Instituto de Gestion de la Innovacion y del Conocimiento
Carolina was trained as an economist at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, where she obtained her PhD in September 2004. Her doctoral research, which was awarded by the Spanish National Academy of Doctors, studied the connection between human capital formation and mobility dynamics and innovation in the Spanish economy. She worked under several pre and post-doctoral contracts at the University Rey Juan Carlos (1999 - 2009) and at the University Alfonso X el Sabio (1997-1999). She has been a visiting researcher or scholar at the OECD (1999), at the University of Sussex (2003), the Georgia Institute of Technology (2006) and the University of Western Sydney (2009). Carolina has participated in various national and international research projects. She has coordinated projects funded by the European Commission and the Spanish National Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). She currently coordinates the Spanish particiation in the POCARIM project on Careers, Mobility and Socio-Economic Impact of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities and she contributes to the European project RISIS (Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation Studies). She has participated in expert groups to assess the OECD, the Iberoamerican Network for Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT) and the European Science Foundation. She has supervised doctoral students. She is a reviewer of some of the most prestigious journals in her field, such as Research Policy, Science and Public Policy and Research Evaluation.
Research Interest
Scientific and technical human capital, human resources for science and technology, mobility of researchers, science policy, science and technology indicators, economic theory of innovation
Carolina Cañibano & Richard Woolley Toward a socio-economics of the brain drain and distributed human capital. International Migration,Vol: 53 - pags 115 - 130
Cañibano, C, Vértesy, D., Vezzulli, A. An inquiry into the return mobility of scientific researchers in Europe. JRC Technical Reports,Vol: - pags 1 - 66