Helena Britt
School of Design
Marine Research Institute
Dr Helena Britt is a lecturer in the Department of Fashion and Textiles at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA). Responsibilities involve undergraduate coordination, printed textiles teaching and learning, departmental research representation and PhD supervision. Research interests for supervisory responsibilities include: • British textiles, archives and collections; utilisation and interpretation of archival resources; material culture (MC); • Printed textile design and creative processes; practice-focused methodologies; the impact of digital technologies (DI); • Design education, educator roles; research/practice/scholarship and teaching linkages; industry and education connections (EADA). Recent projects involvement includes Research Curator for ‘The Glasgow School of Art Fashion Show, 1947-2017’, which included archival investigation, exhibition design, install and article co-authorship. Funding from The Textile Society enabled GSA Archives & Collections (A&C) cataloguing, digitisation and initial research surrounding GSA’s 'Fraser Taylor and The Cloth Collection’. Research activity has included Principal Investigator for ‘Interwoven Connections: The Stoddard Templeton Design Studio and Design Library, 1843-2005’, funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Design History Society and GSA. Outcomes included an exhibition, publication, vimeo film, gallery talks and workshops, co-authored and individual journal articles, conference paper and presentation. Collaboration with Elaine Bremner (Subject Leader Weave, GSA), as part of a group project ‘Awaken’, examined the interpretation of archive material for contemporary textile design and explicated examples of creative process. Led by Jimmy Stephen-Cran, (Head of the Department of Fashion & Textiles, GSA) the project resulted in a textile collection, exhibition, publication and co-authored journal article and conference paper. Helena has been involved with aspects of activity with the Centre for Advanced Textiles (CAT), including SFC Innovation Voucher Scheme projects and the TSB funded ‘Digital Art Capture Project’. This connects to Helena’s doctoral research, which argued that, for textile designer educators, working in an increasingly digital age, undertaking creative practice is of critical importance, due to the significant benefits that engagement in this activity provides. The project used self case study, quantitative survey and case studies methods. The investigation centred on textiles higher education in the UK, with findings transferable to other disciplines. Outputs included journal article and conference paper. Helena is Chair of the Association of Degree Courses in Fashion & Textiles (FTC); a UK subject association, prior to this she was Steering Group member. Activities include chairing members meetings, organising the conference ‘Futurescan 3: Interesting Identities’ (GSA, November 2015), co-editing conference proceedings, and guest editing special issue journal. Helena has been involved in various reviewing activities, is an editor for the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice and AHRC Peer Review College member. External examining experience includes work at PhD level and at MDes / BA (Hons) level (Central St. Martins, 2014–2017; University of Brighton, 2013–2017; Norwich University of the Arts, 2013). Helena has worked as a textile designer on a freelance and commission basis. Collections of interior textile products have been exhibited and produced for interior designers, architects and for retail. Helena holds PGCert Supervision in Creative Practices (2013), PhD (2008) and MA from the Royal College of Art (2001).
Research Interest