
Neurology Experts

José (luis) Molinuevo

Scientific Advisory Board
Oryzon Genomics


Dr. José Luis Molinuevo Dr. José L. Molinuevo (MD, PhD), neurologist, his clinical work and research activities are related with neurodegenerative disease, mostly Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related disorders. His MD career was performed at the University of Valencia, his neurology training at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, and his PhD, on Parkinson’s disease, at the University of Barcelona. Director of the AD unit at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona during many years, he is currently the Scientific Director of the Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center of the Pasqual Maragall Fundation. He is a researcher at the IDIBAPS, a member of the European Alzheimer Disease Consortium, of the dementia panel for the European Association of Neurology, of the Alzheimer Biomarker Standarization Initiative (ABSI), the Spanish coordinator of the BIOMARKAPD of the Joint Programming on Neurodegenerative Diseases, co-lead and partner of several Innovative Medicine Initiative consortiums and part of the International Working Group and the NIA-AA groups for developing new research criteria. His current research work at Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center  is mainly focused on AD prevention, through developing mid-life observational studies and contributing to the design of global prevention initiatives. He is principal investigator of multiple clinical trials and research studies on AD, has published over 220 international scientific papers, several books and over 20 book chapters on neurodegenerative diseases. He has been part of the board of directors of the Spanish Neurological Society from 2000-2002, has coordinated the dementia scientific group from 2006-2008 and awarded with the 2010 AD scientific prize of the Spanish Neurological Society. Dr. José Luis Molinuevo Dr. José L. Molinuevo (MD, PhD), neurologist, his clinical work and research activities are related with neurodegenerative disease, mostly Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related disorders. His MD career was performed at the University of Valencia, his neurology training at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, and his PhD, on Parkinson’s disease, at the University of Barcelona. Director of the AD unit at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona during many years, he is currently the Scientific Director of the Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center of the Pasqual Maragall Fundation. He is a researcher at the IDIBAPS, a member of the European Alzheimer Disease Consortium, of the dementia panel for the European Association of Neurology, of the Alzheimer Biomarker Standarization Initiative (ABSI), the Spanish coordinator of the BIOMARKAPD of the Joint Programming on Neurodegenerative Diseases, co-lead and partner of several Innovative Medicine Initiative consortiums and part of the International Working Group and the NIA-AA groups for developing new research criteria. His current research work at Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center  is mainly focused on AD prevention, through developing mid-life observational studies and contributing to the design of global prevention initiatives. He is principal investigator of multiple clinical trials and research studies on AD, has published over 220 international scientific papers, several books and over 20 book chapters on neurodegenerative diseases. He has been part of the board of directors of the Spanish Neurological Society from 2000-2002, has coordinated the dementia scientific group from 2006-2008 and awarded with the 2010 AD scientific prize of the Spanish Neurological Society.

Research Interest

neurodegenerative disease, mostly Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and related disorders.

Global Experts from Spain

Global Experts in Subject

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