
Environmental Sciences Experts

Xavier Espadaler Gelabert

Collaborating researcher
Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications
Pere Virgili Health Research Institute


After 35 years of studying ants I came to the conclusion that it was worth devoting much more effort to them. A deep knowledge of their diversification has allowed me to address other biological aspects of ants. Their ubiquity and the huge numbers of individuals have permitted the evolution of an extraordinary diversity of interactions with other insects, worms, several plants, fungi, and even some vertebrates. I keep learning that there are many ways to look at them, from many different perspectives. Lately, I've found that external or internal parasites of ants are an exciting subject, from an epidemiological point of view. I miss having appropriate analytical tools for working seriously in this field.

Research Interest

"Ants from Iberia Balearis Maghreb and Macaronesia, Ant ecology, Trophic interactions in arthropod communities Laboratory tests of effectivity or repellency of ant- focused baits or repellent formulations, Forensic analysis of ants as contaminants of goods or apparatuses."


  • "Variability in individual activity bursts improves ant foraging success Campos, D., Bartumeus, F., Mendez, V., Andrade, J.S., Espadaler, X.2016Journal of the Royal Society Interface1300"

  • "First record of an epizoic Laboulbenia (Fungi: Laboulbeniales) on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Africa Gómez, K., Espadaler, X., Santamaria, S. 2017 Sociobiology 64: 155-158"

  • "First Report of Lioponera longitarsus Mayr, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Algeria: An Exotic or a Rare Native Ant Species from North Africa? Barech, G., Khaldi, M., Espadaler, X.2017African Entomology25: 428-434"

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