Raquel Moreno Amigo
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Raquel Amigo Moreno is a Chemical Engineer, Auditor of Quality Systems, Master in Statistics and Optimization, Master in Bioethics, Master in Bio-banks for Biomedical Research and Master in Health Management. Presently she is a Coordinator for the Biobanco La Fe (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain). Her work consisted of starting-up and authorization of the bio-bank, its management and legal compliance, establishment of technical protocols, processing of biological samples, certification (ISO 9001:2008), cost optimization, engineering processes, control and monitoring of indicators, etc. She participates in several working groups of the Bio- banks National Platform. She is the Member of ESBB in 2012 and Member of IChemE. Raquel Amigo Moreno is a Chemical Engineer, Auditor of Quality Systems, Master in Statistics and Optimization, Master in Bioethics, Master in Bio-banks for Biomedical Research and Master in Health Management. Presently she is a Coordinator for the Biobanco La Fe (Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain). Her work consisted of starting-up and authorization of the bio-bank, its management and legal compliance, establishment of technical protocols, processing of biological samples, certification (ISO 9001:2008), cost optimization, engineering processes, control and monitoring of indicators, etc. She participates in several working groups of the Bio- banks National Platform. She is the Member of ESBB in 2012 and Member of IChemE.
Research Interest
Chemical Engineering and Toxicology