Conxita Folguera Bellmunt
Department of People Management and Organisation
Ramon Llull University
Research on diversity management and balancing private and work life. She directed the project "El gènere en la gestió de la diversitat. Una aproximació interdisciplinària per a la creació de materials docents adreçats a la formació en ciències empresarials i alta direcció " [Gender in diversity management. An interdisciplinary approach to the creation of educational materials aimed at senior executive business studies], with funding from the Catalan Institute for Women (Generalitat de Catalunya). She is also co-author of 'Treball i vida: experiències de conciliació de la vida laboral amb la vida personal en empreses i organitzacions"[Work and Life: Experiences of reconciling working life with personal life in companies and organisations], funded by University Ramon Llull's Ethos Chair (2006). This work has been reviewed with a view to developing teaching materials (2008). She has published papers in the area of organisational learning and the use of ICTs in learning processes (together with Professors Daniel Arenas and Josep M. Lozano), and has also presented papers at several conferences on educational innovation. The book Danone en Ultzama (2005 MSD Award for Research in Business Ethics), written jointly with Dr Josep M. Lozano, is the result of her interest in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the case research method. This interest in CSR has also been applied to the field of diversity management, the core of her current research. She has served as director of the ESADE Educational Innovation Support Unit (USIP). In this area, she led various projects (European Higher Education Area - Bologna Process; preparation of teaching materials; use of virtual spaces, mainly in joint learning projects). Her work on intercultural issues is based on her experience as a participant in the Euro-Arab Management School, funded by the European Union and the Arab League, which is also supported by the Spanish Government. She has been a member of the research team involved in the research project 'Small Business Training and Competitiveness: Building Case Studies in Different European Cultural Contexts', funded by the European Commission and led by Professor Alfons Sauquet. She has been Assistant Professor at ESADE since 2001. She is visiting professor at CIFFOP- Université Paris II-Panthéon-Assas. Research on diversity management and balancing private and work life. She directed the project "El gènere en la gestió de la diversitat. Una aproximació interdisciplinària per a la creació de materials docents adreçats a la formació en ciències empresarials i alta direcció " [Gender in diversity management. An interdisciplinary approach to the creation of educational materials aimed at senior executive business studies], with funding from the Catalan Institute for Women (Generalitat de Catalunya). She is also co-author of 'Treball i vida: experiències de conciliació de la vida laboral amb la vida personal en empreses i organitzacions"[Work and Life: Experiences of reconciling working life with personal life in companies and organisations], funded by University Ramon Llull's Ethos Chair (2006). This work has been reviewed with a view to developing teaching materials (2008). She has published papers in the area of organisational learning and the use of ICTs in learning processes (together with Professors Daniel Arenas and Josep M. Lozano), and has also presented papers at several conferences on educational innovation. The book Danone en Ultzama (2005 MSD Award for Research in Business Ethics), written jointly with Dr Josep M. Lozano, is the result of her interest in the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the case research method. This interest in CSR has also been applied to the field of diversity management, the core of her current research. She has served as director of the ESADE Educational Innovation Support Unit (USIP). In this area, she led various projects (European Higher Education Area - Bologna Process; preparation of teaching materials; use of virtual spaces, mainly in joint learning projects). Her work on intercultural issues is based on her experience as a participant in the Euro-Arab Management School, funded by the European Union and the Arab League, which is also supported by the Spanish Government. She has been a member of the research team involved in the research project 'Small Business Training and Competitiveness: Building Case Studies in Different European Cultural Contexts', funded by the European Commission and led by Professor Alfons Sauquet. She has been Assistant Professor at ESADE since 2001. She is visiting professor at CIFFOP- Université Paris II-Panthéon-Assas.
Research Interest
Qualitative research and the case method, Corporate social responsibility, Social and organisational learning