
Business & Management Experts

Jordi Molina Capella

Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
Ramon Llull University


He joined ESADE in 1980 as a part-time lecturer. He was Product Manager and R&D Manager of Henry Colomer, Revlon Group (1980-1983), Marketing Manager of Stanhome, SA, Stanleyco Group (1983-1986) and Managing Director of the family business Marta Bach, SA (1986-1992). Since 1992 he has been a full-time lecturer at ESADE. He was Manager of the Part-Time MBA programme (1992-1996) and, since 1992, has been Manager of the Marketing Management programme for Senior Management. He has likewise managed several institutional consultancy projects, including the strategic plans prepared for the Agrupació de Cooperatives de les Terres de Lleida (ACTEL) (1992-1994) and for UVIPE-INCAVI to revitalize the Catalan wine industry (2002-2003). He is likewise Chief Executive and Founding Partner of GICSA, and a Director of companies from several industries (automobile, construction, distribution, industrial and banking). He joined ESADE in 1980 as a part-time lecturer. He was Product Manager and R&D Manager of Henry Colomer, Revlon Group (1980-1983), Marketing Manager of Stanhome, SA, Stanleyco Group (1983-1986) and Managing Director of the family business Marta Bach, SA (1986-1992). Since 1992 he has been a full-time lecturer at ESADE. He was Manager of the Part-Time MBA programme (1992-1996) and, since 1992, has been Manager of the Marketing Management programme for Senior Management. He has likewise managed several institutional consultancy projects, including the strategic plans prepared for the Agrupació de Cooperatives de les Terres de Lleida (ACTEL) (1992-1994) and for UVIPE-INCAVI to revitalize the Catalan wine industry (2002-2003). He is likewise Chief Executive and Founding Partner of GICSA, and a Director of companies from several industries (automobile, construction, distribution, industrial and banking).

Research Interest

Core marketing, Policies and pricing, Commercialization

Global Experts from Spain

Global Experts in Subject

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