
Business & Management Experts

Jordi Montaña Matosas

Department of Marketing
Ramon Llull University


Jordi Montaña Matosas has always been linked to the world of industrial design applied to the company, both new product development and innovation management, and brand creation. In this field, he was Founder and Chief Executive of Quod, Diseño y Marketing, SA; Founder and General Manager of the Sociedad Estatal para el Desarrollo del Diseño y la Innovación; President of Integral Design and Development; President of ADI-FAD; a Trustee and member of the Executive Committee of the Barcelona Centro de Diseño Foundation, and Treasurer and member of the board of Design for the World. He has been a consultant to companies such as Sony, Novartis, HP, Manpower and Simón, among others, in addition to numerous small and medium-sized companies, on subjects of strategic marketing, branding, innovation and design management. He has advised government bodies, such as the CIDEM, the IMPI, the Government of Aragón in Spain, and the ministries of Industry in Nicaragua and Venezuela. He has also carried out consultancy projects for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, for the Inter-American Development Bank and for the European Commission. He forms part of the group of European experts advising the OHIM, the body entrusted with the registration of Community trademarks and designs. He has published numerous books and articles. His most important publications include: "Marketing de nuevos productos: del diseño al lanzamiento", "Marketing in Europe", "Diseño, rentabilidad social y rentabilidad económica" and "Guia de gestió del disseny". He is Director of ESADE's Chair of Design Management, whose objective is research into aspects related to design and the company, and their impact on the economy and society. He has been a Professor at ESADE since 1976. Jordi Montaña Matosas has always been linked to the world of industrial design applied to the company, both new product development and innovation management, and brand creation. In this field, he was Founder and Chief Executive of Quod, Diseño y Marketing, SA; Founder and General Manager of the Sociedad Estatal para el Desarrollo del Diseño y la Innovación; President of Integral Design and Development; President of ADI-FAD; a Trustee and member of the Executive Committee of the Barcelona Centro de Diseño Foundation, and Treasurer and member of the board of Design for the World. He has been a consultant to companies such as Sony, Novartis, HP, Manpower and Simón, among others, in addition to numerous small and medium-sized companies, on subjects of strategic marketing, branding, innovation and design management. He has advised government bodies, such as the CIDEM, the IMPI, the Government of Aragón in Spain, and the ministries of Industry in Nicaragua and Venezuela. He has also carried out consultancy projects for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, for the Inter-American Development Bank and for the European Commission. He forms part of the group of European experts advising the OHIM, the body entrusted with the registration of Community trademarks and designs. He has published numerous books and articles. His most important publications include: "Marketing de nuevos productos: del diseño al lanzamiento", "Marketing in Europe", "Diseño, rentabilidad social y rentabilidad económica" and "Guia de gestió del disseny". He is Director of ESADE's Chair of Design Management, whose objective is research into aspects related to design and the company, and their impact on the economy and society. He has been a Professor at ESADE since 1976.

Research Interest

Design Management, New product and brand development, Innovation

Global Experts from Spain

Global Experts in Subject

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