Camila De Gamboa Tapias
Assistant Instructor Special Regime
Interdisciplinary Group on Peace, Conflict and Postconflict
Universidad del Rosario
Level at which dictates: Undergraduate | Doctorate | Tutoria Ph.D. Binghamton University, State University of New York. December 2003. Graduate Certificate in Women Studies Binghamton University, State University of New York, May 2000. MA in Philosophy Binghamton University, State University of New York, May 1999. Specialization in University Teaching Universidad del Rosario. May 1997 Attorney Universidad del Rosario. January 1988.
Research Interest
Public Law
"The Transition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Challenges and Challenges of Building a National and Local Democratic Order in the Middle of the Conflict" in co-author with Nina Chaparro González, in The Transit Towards Peace: From National to Local Tools, Strategies Of the transition in five countries and three Colombian cities , Camila de Gamboa, academic editor, Debates Democratic Collection, Universidad del Rosario, GTZ, 2010.
"The Peruvian Case: An Analysis of the Post-Conflict Transitional Model" co-authored with José Alejandro MejÃa Giraldo, in The Transit Towards Peace: From National to Local Tools, Transition Strategies in Five Countries and Three Colombian Cities , Camila de Gamboa, Academic Editor, Debates Democratic Collection, Universidad del Rosario, GTZ, 2010.
"The potentialities of local experiences in the construction of democracy and the consolidation of peace" in Local Experiences in Transitional Justice , Academic Editor Camila de Gamboa, International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), 2010.
"The moral culpability of atrocious acts in situations of political violence" in International Law, Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional , Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, July-December 2010.
"Goodbye to democracy? An analysis of the proposals for peace in the government of Ãlvaro Uribe Vélez ", in Estudios Estudios de FilosofÃa , Universidad de Antioquia, No. 42, December 2010.