Francisco JosÉ Ternera Barrios
Associate Professor
Faculty of Jurisprudence
Universidad del Rosario
DOCTOR IN RIGHT . Doctor of the University Alfonso X of Madrid. MASTER'S (AED). ADMINISTRATIVE LAW . Universidad Alfonso X de Madrid SPECIALIZATION IN GENERAL PRIVATE LAW . Civil law of obligations and property, commercial contracts and private international law - Fellow of the French government. University Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) MASTERS (DSU). CIVIL LAW. Civil law of civil and commercial obligations and contracts. University Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) SPECIALIZATION IN PUBLIC LAW COMPARED LEGAL TERMINOLOGY. Comparative public law French, Latin American and Spanish. Institute of Comparative Law of the University Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) ATTORNEY. University of Rosario
Research Interest
International right
Issues of civil liability. Legal analysis books. Collection private law. Tomo I, Ed. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, 2004
The general theory of the contract in Colombian private law: between the Bello code and the commercial code. Sesquicentennial of the Civil Code of Andrés Bello, Volume I, Edit. LexisNexis, Santiago, 2005. Universidad de Chile, pp. 611-646
The notion of guilt in noncontractual civil liability. Journal of Private Law, Universidad de los Andes, 33, December 2004, pp. 53 to 70, ( ISSN 0121-0696 )
La responsabilité du plein droit du fait des activités dangereuses. Journal of Juridical Studies. University of Rosario, v. 6, n.2, pp. 386-405, 2004 ( ISSN 0124-0579 )