
Biochemistry Experts

Sune-m Pou

University of Barcelona


M Sune-Pou has completed his degree in Pharmacy with a special award from University of Barcelona (UB). Currently, he has started his PhD studies with an investigation scholarship given by UB. He is working and collaborating in the research group “Transport systems for delivery drugs” in the SDM (Service of Development of Medicines) and with the research group “nRNA formation and function” in the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine “Lopez-Neyra” (IPBLN). He has published 4 posters in reputed congresses, 1 chapter in a book of pharmaceutical technology and has participated in teaching tasks along with the degree. M Sune-Pou has completed his degree in Pharmacy with a special award from University of Barcelona (UB). Currently, he has started his PhD studies with an investigation scholarship given by UB. He is working and collaborating in the research group “Transport systems for delivery drugs” in the SDM (Service of Development of Medicines) and with the research group “nRNA formation and function” in the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine “Lopez-Neyra” (IPBLN). He has published 4 posters in reputed congresses, 1 chapter in a book of pharmaceutical technology and has participated in teaching tasks along with the degree.

Research Interest


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