
Business & Management Experts

Marta Elvira

Department of Strategic Management
University of Navarra


Marta Elvira is Associate Dean for Research and professor in the departments of Managing People in Organizations and Strategic Management. She earned her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior & Industrial Relations at U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business. Prior to joining IESE, Prof. Elvira served as academic dean at Lexington College. She was formerly a tenured associate professor in the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Irvine, and associate professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD (France). In 1999-2000, Prof. Elvira was a visiting scholar at MIT's Sloan School of Management in the Institute for Work and Employment Research as well as at the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico). She lectures regularly in UCLA's Leadership Suite - Executive Education programs. Prof. Elvira brings a multi-cultural perspective to her research and teaching. She has co-edited two books: Managing Human Resources in Latin America: An Agenda for International Leaders (Routledge, 2005), Best Practices in HRM in Latin America (Routledge, 2008) and Understanding Organizations in Complex Environments (Palgrave Macmillan-IESE Collection: UK, 2012) , as well as two special issues on research in Latin America for the International Journal of Human Resources Management (December 2005) and the International Journal of Manpower (2007). Besides human resource practices and incentives in organizations, her research interests focus on social inequality and human capital development. Her work examines the political and economic processes involved in designing organizational reward structures, and the joint effects of incentive pay and promotion systems on employee earnings and performance. Her articles have appeared in leading journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Work and Occupations,Industrial Relations, Organizational Dynamics and The Journal of World Business. In recognition of the achievements of her early academic career, she received the 2002 Ascendant Scholar Award of the Western Academy of Management. She serves on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Research and has been a member of the editorial board at the Academy of Management Journal, the Business Journal of Hispanic Research, and reviews for multiple research publications.

Research Interest

* Organizational Demography * Incentive and Human Capital Structures in Organizations * Management in Latin America * Professions and Occupations in the Service Sector * Incentive and Human Capital Structures in Organizations * Professions and Occupations in the Service Sector * Interorganizational Cooperation


  • Elvira MM, Zatzick CD. Who’s displaced first? The role of race in layoff decisions. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. 2002 Apr 1;41(2):329-61.

  • Elvira MM, Graham ME. Not just a formality: Pay system formalization and sex-related earnings effects. Organization Science. 2002 Dec;13(6):601-17.

  • Elvira MM, Cohen LE. Location matters: A cross-level analysis of the effects of organizational sex composition on turnover. Academy of Management Journal. 2001 Jun 1;44(3):591-605.

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