Santiago Alvarez De Mon
Department of Managing People in Organizations
University of Navarra
He has written numerous articles, research papers and book chapters on coaching, personal development planning, teambuilding, leadership, corporate culture and self-management. He has also been a consultant to various companies in the area of leadership and teamwork. He was a collaborator on the book, When Business Meets Culture? (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).
Research Interest
* Leadership * Team Building * Coaching-Managing professional career
SALMÉRON OJ, VAQUER S, SALMERÓN I, MOLTÓ L, LAPEÑA P, MANZANO L, HEROS JI, ALVAREZâ€MON ME. Pregnancy Is Associated With a Reduction in the Pattern of the Cytotoxic Activity Displayed by Lymphokineâ€Activated Killer Cells. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 1991 Dec 1;26(4):150-5.
Alvárez de Mon S. Liderazgo transformador. Harvard Deusto Business Review. 1997(77):49-57.
Sancho L, de la Hera A, Casas J, Vaquer S, Martinez-A C, Alvarez-Mon M. Two different maturational stages of natural killer lymphocytes in human newborn infants. The Journal of pediatrics. 1991 Sep 1;119(3):446-54.