
Engineering Experts

Pares Burgues Narcis

Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicac
University Pompeu Fabra


Narcís Parés is a Tenure Associate Professor in our Department. His background is: Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication -specialized in Virtual Reality- (UPF), MSc in Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence (UAB) and BSc in Computer Science Engineering (UPC). He is co-creator and coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (UPF). He has an interest in the possibilities of Full-Body Interaction based on current Embodied Cognition theories in areas such as Learning, Play and Special Needs. This research is undertaken from the standpoint of Interaction Design and Interactive Communication, focussing mainly on interaction for children and using non-invasive technologies. Main research areas are: Methods for Interaction Design and Assessment in Full-body Interaction in Informal Learning; Full-body Interaction to foster and facilitate Social Interaction for Children with Special Needs; Interactive Playgrounds based on Full-body Interaction to address Play as a Motor and Cognitive Developmental process and to foster physical activity.

Research Interest

His research interest are Methods for Interaction Design and Assessment in Full-body Interaction in Informal Learning; Full-body Interaction to foster and facilitate Social Interaction for Children with Special Needs; Interactive Playgrounds based on Full-body Interaction to address Play as a Motor and Cognitive Developmental process and to foster physical activity.


  • Interaction-Driven Virtual Reality Application Design (A Particular Case: El Ball del Fanalet or Lightpools) N Parés, R Parés Presence 10 (2), 236-245

  • Achieving dialogue with children with severe autism in an adaptive multisensory interaction: the "MEDIATE" project N Pares, P Masri, G Van Wolferen, C Creed Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 11 (6), 734-743

  • Promotion of creative activity in children with severe autism through visuals in an interactive multisensory environment N Parés, A Carreras, J Durany, J Ferrer, P Freixa, D Gómez, O Kruglanski, ... Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Interaction design and children, 110-116

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