Mr. R. Kiruparajah
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography
Educatis University
Sri Lanka
Senior Lecturer- Gr.II B.A. (Hons) in Geography, EUSL M.Phil in Geography (UJ, SL) Work Experience: Senior Lecture Gr-II Since 01.01.2013 Lecturer Probationary from 05.09.2005 – 31.12.2012 Foreign Exposure: Exposure visit to Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in 2016. Training on GIS and Remote Sensing in AIT, Thailand, in 2009 Exposure visit and Training related to Disaster Management, Banda Ache, Indonesia in 2008 Exposure visit and Training related to Disaster Management, India in 2007
Research Interest
Geomorphological Study, Environmental Study, Disaster Management, Application of Geospatial Technology.