
Cardiology Experts

Nimal Dias Jayasinha

Pharmaceutical Management
Emerchemie NB (Ceylon) Limited
Sri Lanka


"No one personifies the Sri Lankan Pharmaceutical Market like Mr. Nimal Dias Jayasinha, the founder Managing Director and now Chairman of Emerchemie NB. His path to eminence reads like a guide book for the aspiring Pharmaceutical Marketer. Education at Royal, the premier National School to which he has an undying devotion laid the foundation. Then a brief foray into the Government Service as a Marketing Officer of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation where he was able to acquire vital administrative skills and then the almost inevitable switch to pharmaceutical marketing in the guise of a Professional Service Representative of Pfizer Limited, where the closed economy prevailing during that time proved to be the ideal challenge and the proving ground for his rapidly sharpening marketing skills. What followed was the natural progression of a marketer with coruscating skills as he was promoted as the Pharmaceutical Marketing Manager and then head hunted in 1981 by Hoechst (Ceylon) Company Limited as their Pharma Division Manager before being invited to join their Board in 1987. He reached the pinnacle of his career within the field of Multi National Pharmaceutical Companies, when he was appointed the First Sri Lankan Managing Director of the German subsidiary of Hoechst AG( to date he remains one of a kind within the Industry in Sri Lanka). It was when he was at this zenith that he decided to strike out on his own and form Emerchemie NB. Today the fledgling Company he started has, over a brief period of 16 years, become a Pharmaceutical Agency power house with an annual turnover exceeding 4 Billion Sri Lankan Rupees and having within its confines over 500 highly motivated, dedicated and dynamic young people. During this era of exponential growth Mr. Jayasinha has ensured that the Company is an equal opportunity employer without racial, religious, social or gender bias and that the people work together as one. In doing so he has become that rarest form of leader, a role model. Indeed a ‘rara-avis’! There is no resting on laurels at Emerchemie NB. The entire Staff has imbibed their Chairman’s oft repeated saying, delivered with a glint in his eye, “You have to make things happen but an achievement is not an end in itself, it is only the opening for yet another challenge”"

Research Interest

 Pharmaceutical Market, 

Global Experts from Sri Lanka

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