
Microbiology Experts

Prof. N. K. Gunawardena

Professor and Head of Department
Department of Parasitology
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka


Prof. N. K. Gunawardena is working as an Professor and Head of Department in the Department of Parasitology, University of Kelaniya, Srilanka. His Research Interests: Spatial epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases Intestinal Nematodes Filariasis Snake bites and Dengue Medical Faculty Responsibilities : Chief Examiner Unit 3 A main Exam Professional Contributions : Trainer and Examiner MD Microbiology / Diploma in Medical Microbiology PGIM University of Colombo Awards : Cash Awards for Winning Presidential Awards – 2014 Vice Chancellor’s Award for bringing honour to the University by winning prestigious national or international award in 2014 Presidential Awards for Research – Scientific Research Published in the year 2011 in International Scientific Journals cited in Science Citation Index. Kumaradasa Rajasuriya award for the best paper in Tropical Medicine Titled “Community incidence of snakebite and envenoming in Sri Lanka: results of a national survey” Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2014. Sir Frank Gunasekera Award for the best paper in Community Medicine & Tuberculosis presentation "Community incidence of snake bite in Anuradhapura district" Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2013 First Runner up in the Case presentation for the paper titled “Cluster randomized trial of the impact of school based deworming and weekly iron supplementation on haemoglobin level of plantation primary school children” Collage of community physicians of Sri Lanka 2013 Vice Chancellor’s Award for bringing honour to the University by winning prestigious national or international award in 2010 Presidential Awards for Research – Scientific Research Published in the year 2003 in International Scientific Journals cited in Science Citation Index. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 97(2): 179-185, 2003 Award for the best scientific paper in Clinical Immunology titled “The effect of intestinal nematode infections on atopic diseases” Allergy and Immunology Society of Sri Lanka, 2009 Vice Chancellor’s Award for bringing honour to the University by winning prestigious national or international award in 2008 Presidential Awards for Research – Scientific Research Published in the year 2002 in International Scientific Journals cited in Science Citation Index. Trans Roy Soc Med Hyg96 : 41-45, 2002 Award for the best paper for the presentation “Knowledge, Awareness and Practices (KAP) on Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in urban, semi-urban and rural communities of Southern, Sri Lanka” at the 66th Annual Sessions of the Galle Medical Association, Sep 2007. Award for the Best Poster presentation "An independent evaluation of the August 2004 Mass Drug Administration for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Colombo Municipality area” at the 119th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association March 2006. President’s Research Bonus 2001 for research papers published in American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 65(4) pp. 362-365 and Annals of Tropical. Medicine and Parasitology 95 3: 263-273. Award for the best paper for the presentation “Efficacy of lamdacyhalothrin (Icon) impregnated house curtains against the vector of bancroftianfilariasis, Culexquinquefasciatus Say in Matara, Sri Lanka” at the 59th Annual Sessions of the Galle Medical Association. Sep 2000. President’s Research Bonus 1999 for the research paper published in Tropical Medicine & International Health 4:207-210. Award for the best paper for the presentation “Comparative long-term efficacy of single dose diethylcarbamazine (DEC) and combinations of albendazole with DEC and ivermectin” at the 58th Annual Sessions of the Galle Medical Association. Aug 1999. Award for the best scientific paper for the presentation “The detection of Wuchereriabancrofti circulating antigen using finger prick blood in filter paper at the 56th Annual Sessions of the Galle Medical Association. Nov 1997. Sir Frank Gunasekera Award for the presentation "Microfilarial periodicity of Wuchereriabancrofti and biting periodicity of Culexquinque fasciatus in Matara" at the 109th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 1996.

Research Interest

Spatial epidemiology of neglected tropical diseases, Intestinal Nematodes Filariasis, Snake bites and Dengue.


  • Gunawardena S, Gunawardena NK, Kahathuduwa G, Karunaweera ND, de Silva NR, Ranasinghe UB, Samarasekara SD, Nagodavithana KC, Rao RU, Rebollo MP, Weil GJ (2014) Integrated school-based surveillance for soil-transmitted helminth infections and lymphatic filariasis in Gampaha district, Sri Lanka. The American J Trop Med Hyg 90: 661-666.

  • Gunawardena NK (2014) Introduction to Geographic Information System. The Bulletin of the Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists.12: 34-37.

  • Devanarayana NM, Rajindrajith S, Pathmeswaran A, Abegunasekara C, Gunawardena NK, et al. (2015)Epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome in children and adolescents in Asia. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 60: 792-798.

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