Prof. P. Anuruddhi S. Edirisinghe
Cadre Chair and Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka
Prof. P. Anuruddhi S. Edirisinghe is working as an Cadre Chair and Professor in the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Srilanka. Positions held and holding in academic and scientific bodies : Member National task force appointed by the prime-minister to implement the report of the Leader of the Opposition: Commission on the prevention of violence against the woman and Girl Child from March 2015 Chairperson of the committee of the Prevention of GBV in women and girl child by the College of Forensic Pathologist from 2015-2016. Co-Editor of the Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka- published by the College of Forensic Pathologists from 2015 onwards CPD Coordinator, College of Forensic Pathologists from 2014-2015 Course Coordinator MD Forensic Medicine, PGIM, 2014 February on wards Vice President, Indo-Pacific Association of Law, Medicine and Science 2013-2016 Vice President College of Forensic Pathologists from 2013-2014 Editor, Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka 2013-2014 Member of the subcommittee for strengthening the multi-disciplinary management of victims of child abuse organized by the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2012 Member, Board of Study in Forensic Medicine of the Postgraduate institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, from June 2012 to May 2015. Secretary to the Subcommittee on Amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding inquest organized by the Medico-Legal Society from May 2012 Documents and Project Coordinator College of Forensic Pathologists from 2012-2013 Treasurer, University Forensic Specialist Association 2012- up to now Member, Subcommittee to develop Post MD training assessment (Portfolio) in Forensic Medicine of the PGIM 2011-2012 Secretary, Board of Study in Forensic Medicine of the Postgraduate institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, 2009- 2012 Honorary Joint secretary, Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka from 2009-2013 Member of the committee to review MD Forensic Medicine research proposals of trainees from May 2011 of the PGIM, University of Colombo. Member, curriculum development committee & resource person in training workshops in sexual abuse forensic examination (SAFE), organized by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Higher Education & USAIDS 2012 Member, National Steering Committee for an Action Plan for Management of Dead Victims in disaster situations and catastrophes from December 2011 to date Co- Editor, Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka official Journal of the College of Forensic Pathologists from 2011-2012 Module Co-ordinator for MSc in Medical Toxicology Course conducted by the PGIM, from 20th January 2010. Honorary Secretary, Kelaniya University Faculty of Medicine Teachers Association from 2011-2013 Member, Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Kelaniya from 2011 to date Member, Ethics Review Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from 2010-2011 Member, subcommittee to develop National guidelines on maternal autopsies of the of the College of Forensic Pathologists Sri Lanka, with collaboration of UNICEF 2010- up to date Academic Coordinator College of Forensic Pathologists from 2011-2012 Member, subcommittee to develop National guidelines on examination, reporting and management of abused children for medico-legal purposes of the College of Forensic Pathologists Sri Lanka, with the Ministry of Justice and UNICEF 2010-2011 Editor, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka 2010-2011 Secretary, to the subcommittee on Medico-Legal Examination form (Police 20) and Medico-Legal Report (Health 1135) of the Medico Legal Society 2010-2012 Secretary, Board of Study in Forensic Medicine of the Postgraduate institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, from June 2009-May 2012 Member, subcommittee to develop National guidelines on examination, reporting and management of sexually abused survivors for medico-legal purposes of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka with the UNFPA from 2009 up to date Member, subcommittee to develop National guidelines on paediatric autopsies (related to immunization deaths) of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka with the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health 2009-2012 Member, National committee on development of a Police Training Module in relation to protection of Children and resource person in training workshops organized by the Ministry of Justice & UNICEF 2010-2011. Honorary Joint secretary, College of Forensic Pathologists from 2007-2010 Member of curriculum development committee for addressing the issue of Gender Based Violence by the Health Sector in Sri Lanka organized by Women’s Health Committee, Sri Lanka Medical Association in collaboration with UNFPA. 2008- 2014 Council member, Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka from 2007- 2008 Council member of the Indo-Pacific Association of Law, Medicine and Science from 2007- 2010, 2010-2013 Editor of the abstract book of the Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Science held by INPALMS in July 2007, Cinnamon Grand Colombo. Member of the organizing committee of the Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Science held by INPALMS in July 2007, Cinnamon Grand Colombo. Council member of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka 2006-2007 Chair-person for the development of a protocol for examination of alleged drunk drivers for national application in the subcommittee of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka 2006-2007. A member of the subcommittees of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka for improvements in the examination protocol for MLEF, MLR of child abuse, sexual abuse and sexual assault for national application and improvements in the writing of cause of deaths in Sri Lanka. Positions held & holding in committees in the Faculty of Medicine & University of Kelaniya : Web Master of the Department of Forensic Medicine from 1st of January 2015 to 31st of December 2015 Member, Appeals Board, to represent Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from 1st January 2015 to 31st of December 2016 Secretary, Kelaniya University Faculty of Medicine Teachers Association from Nov 2014 onwards (Registered Trade Union) Advisory committee Member, Cultural Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya Executive Committee Member Kelaniya University Faculty of Medicine Teachers Association 2013-2014 Chairperson, Legal Medicine and Toxicology module 2012-2015 Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya from August 2012-July 2015 Secretary, Kelaniya University Faculty of Medicine Teachers Association from April 2012 up to May 2013 (Registered Trade Union) Secretary, Kelaniya Medical Faculty Teachers Association from May 2011 up to 2012 April Team Leader Forensic Medicine & Toxicology- Medical Exhibition, 20th Anniversary of Medical Faculty Feb 2011 Member of the committee to establish a Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Kelaniya from Feb 2011 Member of Ethics committee of University of Kelaniya from July 2010- 2011. Member of the exhibition committee of the Faculty of Medicine, for 50 year commemoration of University of Kelaniya (Kalyani Dharshee) June 2009. Warden of the Girl’s Hostel of Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, from 2008 up to date Member of the Student welfare committee of the Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, from 2008 up to date Secretary of the curriculum committee for Forensic Medicine and Toxicology module, Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2006-2011 Member of the mental heath, behaviour and ethics strand of the Faculty of Medicine University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka from 2006 up to date. Contribution to national development activities : Member, for the publication on Preventing Sexual and gender based violence strategies for universities, launched by the University Grants commission, Federation of University Teachers Association, and Care International March 2015 Member of the task force to eliminate violence against women and female children appointed by the Prime-minister and Minister Woman’s Affairs March 2015 Written submissions for report of the Leader of the Oppositions on the Commission of Prevention of Violence against Women and Girl Child Nov 2014 Chairperson of the working committee of the National Guidelines on Examination, Reporting and management of sexually abused survivors for medico-legal purposes. Member of the committee to develop Guidelines for the Management of child abuse and neglect: a multi-sectoral approach developed by the College of Pediatricians Member of the committee to the draft of Children and Young Persons Ordinance (CYPO) Amendment Bill – Legalization of the case conference organized by the Department of the probationary Member of the working committee to develop a National Guideline on post-mortem report for ‘Investigation of sudden unexpected deaths of infants and children with special emphasis on deaths related to immunization’ issued by the Ministry of Health (General Circular No: 1-25/2012). Member of the subcommittee of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka for improvements in the Medico-legal examination, management and reporting guidelines child abuse, sexual abuse/assault and for national application Member of the working committee and the subcommittee of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka to Develop National autopsy guidelines on maternal death investigations Chairperson of the subcommittee of National Protocol for examination of alleged drunk drivers organized by the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka. Resource person for module development and Training of Trainers Course Police Officers in Child Protection. Secretary, and a member of the subcommittee of Medico-Legal Society to suggest amendments to Medico-Legal Examination form.
Research Interest
Child abuse, Sexual abuse, Gender based violence and Gender studies, Homicides and Road traffic accidents and effects of alcohol.