Yapa Mahinda Bandara
Transport and Logistics
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
Dr. Yapa Mahinda Bandara joined the Department as a demonstrator in 2006 and subsequently he served as lecturer (contract) before he became a permanent academic staff in 2008. He is also a transport economist/consultant to national and international transport sector projects
Research Interest
Transport Pricing, Informal Transport and Economy, Port Economics and Policy
Bandara, Y.M, Nguyen, H.O & Sigera, C.I (2015), 'Public investment, lost markets and " the big push " for recovery: The case of port infrastructure development in Sri Lanka ', International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
YM Bandara, HO Nguyen, SL Chen (2016), 'Influential factors in the design of port infrastructure tariffs', Maritime Policy & Management 43 (7), 830-842