M.g.c.m Jayasinghe
Department of Veterinary Clinical Science
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
BVSc (Peradeniya), MSc (London), Dipl.(ACCM).
Research Interest
Wild animal health, Small animal surgery and anaesthesia,Wild animal surgery and anaesthesia, Avian medicine and surgery, Reptile medicine and surgery, Antimicrobial resistance, Welfare of captive and free living wild animals.
M.G.C.M Jayasinghe, K.G. Indika, K.K. Sumanasekara, A. Dangolla, D.D.N de Silva. Raptors presented to Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Peradeniya. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, 2016.
K.K.Sumanasekera, M.G.C.M.Jayasinghe, S.S.Alokabandara, H.M.H.S.Ariyarathne, M.R.B.N.Bandara, T.Vinsent. Urinalysis and diversity of urinary crystals detected in adult Asian elephants at Pinnawala elephant orphanage, Sri Lanka. The 9th International Meeting of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine, 2016.
M.G.C.M Jayasinghe, H. M.S. T. Nawarathne, D. Muthusinghe, T. Gamage, H.M.H.S Ariyarathna, K.K Sumanasekara, A. Dangolla, N. Koizumi, C.D. Gamage. Carrier status of pathogenic leptospires in wild mammals inhabiting central Sri Lanka. The 9th International Meeting of Asian Society of Conservation Medicine, 2016.