O.a. Ileperuma
Department of Chemistry
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
PhD :University of Arizona, USA, 1976; BSc :University of Ceylon, 1970.
Research Interest
Dye-sensitized solar cells, Air and water pollution.
Dissolution of aluminium from sub-standard utensils under high fluoride stress:A possible risk factor for chronic renal failure in the North-Central Province, O.A.Ileperuma, H.A. Dharmagunawardane and K.P.R.P. Herath, J.Nat. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, 37 (2009) 219-222.
Comparative acidulation studies of the matrix and the sigle crystals of the Eppawela apatite and XRD identification of byproducts, R.D.Wimalsena, C.P.Udawatte and O.A.Ileperuma, Cey.J.Sci.(ohysical sciences) 15 (2009) 41-47.
Quasi-solid electrolyte based on polyacrylonitrile for dye-sensitized solar cells, Oliver A. Ileperuma*, G.R. Asoka Kumara, Hong-Sheng Yang, Kenji Murakami, J. Photochem. Photobiol., 2010 (accepted for publication)