R. M. Abeyrathne
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sociology
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
Ph.D. (2010) Developments in the State patronage of Traditional Medicine in Sri Lanka 1900-1980) University College London, University of London, United Kingdom. M. A. 2001: Programmme in Medical & Health Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahidol University,Thailand. Master’s Thesis: “Induced Abortion: A Societal Problem in Sri Lanka” M. A .1993: South Asian Studies, with Anthropology concentration, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Master’s Degree papers: (1) “Sinhalese Ethnicity and Buddhism”, (2) Dharma and the Anthropology of Development: The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka B.A.1991: Bowdon College, Brunswick, ME 04011, USA, Majored in Anthropology. 1985-1988: Undergraduate, University of Peradeniya, followed the Sociology Special Degree Programme.
Research Interest
Medical Anthropology / Anthropology.
2001: Co-author, Social Harmony in Higher Education in Sri Lankan Universities, Report Submitted to the World Bank for Restructuring Undergraduate Education Sri Lankan
2003: Factors Affecting Women to Undergo Induced Abortion (Abstract), Peradeniya University Research Sessions, PURSE 2003.
2004: Theories of Sociology and Anthropology (in Sinhala), Kandy , 2004 (Second Print, (First of Projected multi –volume series on theory, second Volume is being written at present).