Ranjith Dissanayake
Senior Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
Senior Professor in Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Prof. Dissanayake was a Fulbright Scholar in 2008 Columbia University, USA and Endeavour Fellow in 2008 Monash University Australia, JASSO Research Fellowship Ehime University, Japan in 2007. He was awarded Young Scientist Award 2007 for Excellence in Scientific Research by National Science and Technology Commission of Sri Lanka and Overseas Prize for the paper published in Institution of Civil Engineers, London, UK, 2007. He has published over 140 papers. He was awarded Australia Alumni Excellence Award 2012. He has chaired Seven international conferences on Mitigation of the Risk of Natural Hazards (ICMRNR) of IIIRR in 2007, Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) in 2010, Structural Engineering, Construction and Management (ICSECM) in 2011, Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE 2012) in 2012, Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSECM2013), International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment which will be held at Earl’s Regency Kandy Sri Lanka in 2014, which were held in Sri Lanka. He is the Chairman of the Green Building Council of Sri Lanka (GBCSL) and also a foundering member of it. He is Chairing of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering Construction Management which will be held at Earl’s Regency Kandy Sri Lanka in 2017 (www.icsecm.org).
Research Interest
Disaster Mitigation; Evaluation and Seismic Retrofitting of Structures. Structural Health Monitoring of Structures. Structural Optimization. Sustainable Built Environment.
Chaminda S. Bandara, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Udaya I. Dissanayake and Ranjith Dissanayake (2016), Hardness Based Non-Destructive Method For Developing Location Specific S-N Curves For Fatigue Life Evaluation, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Vol. 10 (2), pp. 183-191.
Chaminda Bandara and Ranjith Dissanayake (2016), Retrofitting of Damaged Bridges – the Sustainable Solution, International Journal of Urban Sciences, Vol. 2016, DOI:10.1080/12265934.2016.1138877.
Evaluation of shear strength parameters of rail track ballast in Sri Lanka, D.M.A.G.B. Dissanayake, L. C. Kurukulasuriya and P. B. R. Dissanayake, Journal of The National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 2016, 44 (1): 61-67