S.m.k. Gamage
Department of Anatomy
University of Peradeniya
Sri Lanka
MBBS – University of Peradeniya.
Research Interest
Neuroimmunology, Neonatology.
Is Knowledge on Legally Accepted age limits adequate among school children in Kandy Zone?Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Academic Sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine (KSM) 2010.
Fernando D., Gamage S., et al. Is the weight of the baby sufficient to break the umbilical cord?. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions,Sri Lanka. Vol 15 (2010). P 130-132.
Fernando D.M.G., Weerakkody I.R., Gamage S.M.K., et al. Relationship between Gestational Age and Anthropometric Parameters of Neonates- A Preliminary Study. Medico Legal Journal of Sri Lanka: 1:1. P 14-19.