A.k.d.n. Dilshani
Senior Lecturer
Business Management
Wayamba University
Sri Lanka
A.K.D.N.Dilshani obtained her first degree in B.Sc. Special from Rajarata University and has successfully completed Postgraduate diploma in management from Rajarata University and completed her MBA in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Currently she is working as a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Management. A.K.D.N.Dilshani obtained her first degree in B.Sc. Special from Rajarata University and has successfully completed Postgraduate diploma in management from Rajarata University and completed her MBA in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Currently she is working as a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Management.
Research Interest
People Behavior | Strategic Orientation | Positive Psychology Employee Career planning & job choice, self-efficacy, Psychological capital, Training & Development, ICT adaptation at work
Operations Management, Organizational Culture, Leadership