K. Vivehananthan
Senior Lecturer
Wayamba University
Sri Lanka
Dr.(Mrs).K.Vivehananthan graduated with a B.Sc (Hons) Botany from the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. She worked in University of Jaffna, Eastern University of Sri Lanka and Open University of Sri Lanka and finally joined to the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2001 as a Lecturer. She obtained her Masters from the University of Colombo in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Gene Technology and completed her PhD in Molecular Biology from ICGEB, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. She is currently the Head of the Department of Biotechnology. She started her own research area in 2010 in the field of Bioremediation and engaged on research projects related to Environmental Biotechnology coupled with Molecular Biology and Nanotechnology.
Research Interest
Detection of potential biodegrading bacteria from the waste environments and expression of catabolic genes for bioremediation Upgrading the wastewater quality by using bionanoparticles Molecular protocols for the detection of quarantine important pathogens