Mustafa Idris Elbashir
Department of Biochemistry
Medicine Khartoum University
1 Examination Secretary with duties of supervising all administrative aspects of examinations held by the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum 1991-1993 2 Postgraduate academic secretary, with duties of organizing seminars, Journal clubs and lectures at the Department of Biochemistry, faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan 1992-1995 Head, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum from Jan 1995 – Sep 2005. 3 Member of the Faculty Board of Medicine Curriculum- Committee, 1995 until now. 4 Member of the Faculty of Medicine Research Board since 1995. 5 Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Medicine from 1995 until now. 6 Member of the University of Khartoum Senate from 1995 until now. 7 Member of the Editorial Board of the University of Khartoum Medical Journal since Jan. 2004.
Research Interest
1 Mustafa I. Elbashir, Thomas Brodin. Bo Akerstrom, and Jacob Donner. Monoclonal antibodies to the pituitary growth hormone receptor by the anti-idiotypic approach: production and initial characterization. Biochem. J. (1990) 266: 467-474. 2 Mustafa I. Elbashir, Bo, H.K. Nilson, Per Akesson, Lars Bjorck, and Bo Akerstrom. Antibody response in immunized rabbits measured with bacterial immunoglobulin-binding proteins. J. Immunol. Methods, (1990) 135-139 3 Mustafa I. Elbashir, Gudrun Fredrikson, Per Belfrage, Lars Bjorck, and Bo Akerstrom. Detection of antibody response with immunoglobulin-binding bacterial protein G and L: effects of Freund’s Adjuvants and antigen size. In: Doctortal Dissertation, Lund University, (1991) 63-8.