Abdalla Gumaa Farwa
Dean, Faculty of Technological and Developmental S
Department of Geology
University of Khartoum
Qualifications B.Sc.(Hons) 2nd class, division one in Science (Geology-Option: Geophysics) at the University of Khartoum. 1973 M.Sc. Geology (Geophysics) at the University of Khartoum. 1978 Subsurface Geology and structure of the Gezira area as deduced from Gravity Measurements. Title of thesis: Diplome des Etudes Approfondies (DEA) – dans le domaine geologique et prospection geophysique. University of Bordeaux-1, France. 1980 Doctorat de Throisieme Cycle (en: Geologie et Applications aux Domains Marins) Titre: Utilisation conjugee des methodes sismiques 1983 (sondage refraction et measures de vitesse) et des donnees obtenues a l,aide d,un penetrometre dynamique. Teaching activities at Khartoum University and other institutions : 1983 – 2003 Teaches exploration geophysics for higher classes in the Hons. Geology courses including gravity – magnetics, resistivity, electromagnetic and seismics. Teaches also the following courses for intermediate level:undergraduates maps and structure, physics of earth introduction to rock mechanics. Design and execution of geophysical training excursion for the final Honours Classes. Supervision of the field work, analysis and interpretation of the field data till the presentation of results. The methods commonly applied are:regional gravity, detailed gravity, vertical electrical sounding and ground magnetics all associated with simple surveying (chaining and leveling) procedures.
Research Interest