Ahmed Mohammed Ali
Assistant professor
Department of Crop Protection
University of Khartoum
EDUCATION: Third University Degree: Ph.D. Plant Protection (Pesticides and Environmental toxicology), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, Turkey 2011 Second University Degree: M.Sc Crop Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Sudan the MSc degree a warded from DAAD (Germany).WORK EXPERIENCES: 1. May 2005 to 2011: Lecturer, Dept. of Crop protection, Faculty of Agric, University of Khartoum, Sudan. 2. February 2004 to present: Coordinator of the diploma of bee keeping, Dept. of Crop protection, Fac. of Agric., University of Khartoum. 3. September 1999 to May 2005: A Teaching Assistant in Dept. of crop protection, Faculty of Agric., University of Khartoum, Sudan. 4. From May 2005 to October 2011 lecturer at same mentioned University. 5. From November 2011 up to now Assistant professor at Department of Crop Protection, Faculty of Agric. University of Khartoum. 6. Determinant of Department of Crop Protection Faculty of Agric. University of Khartoum 7. Head of Crop Protection Department, Faculty of Agric. University of Khartoum for three months 8. Currently administrator of Central Laboratory for Chemical Analysis of Shambat Campus 9. Head of pesticide laboratory of residue analysis in the agricultural products and pesticides standardizations. 10.Member of Sudanese Standardization and Metrology Organization pesticide committee.
Research Interest
Agricultural zoology