Aymen Hamid
Assistant professor
Department of Physics
University of Khartoum
Education History: Jan. 2007- Nov. 2007… University of Cape Town(UCT) Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Astrophysics and Space Science Program(NASSP), Honors in Astrophysics and Space Science University of Khartoum (U of K)Faculty of Science Bsc. in physics with honors 1994-2000 Bahry Primary School, Omer I. Alazeez Secondary School Prospective Education: Fall 2008-Fall 2009 The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Pre-Doctorate Level Diploma Program in High Energy Physics 2013-2016 PhD. In Applied mathematics and Astrophysics, Univerty of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Titles and Awards: June 2006 Top Ranking Student Award given for highest academic record in Physics U of K. The Minister of Higher Education Prize for young scientists. Jan. 2007-Nov. 2007 Full scholarship student status at University of Cape Town for one year(honors degree) (NASSP) Feb. 2008 – Aug. 2008 Full scholarship student status at University of Cape Town (MSc. degree) (NASSP) Aug. 2008-Aug 2009 Full Scholarship given by the ICTP to attend the Diploma program in High Energy Physics. Academic Experience: ï‚· Assistantship in the physics laboratory's at University of Khartoum (2005-2006) ï‚· Permanent job at University of Khartoum, Faculty of Science, Department of physics(2006-) as teaching assistant. ï‚· Joining the Cosmology Group at University of Cape Town, and the Observational Cosmology Group ï‚· . Permanent job at University of Khartoum, Faculty of Science, Department of physics(2006-) as lecturer. ï‚· Teaching the following courses: Mathematical Methods (linear algebra), Thermodynamics 3rd year, Mathematical Methods (special functions) 4th year, Tensors and introduction to relativity 5th year at the physics department University of Khartoum 2009-2010. ï‚· Working as exam officer at the department 2009-2010. ï‚· Joining the Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit (ACRU) at the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa for PhD 2013-2016. ï‚· Permanent job at University of Khartoum, Faculty of Science, Department of physics(2006-) as Assistant professor.
Research Interest
Mathematical Methods