
Engineering Experts

Dr. Garalnabi Ibrahim Mohamed

Survey Engineering
University of Khartoum


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D in surveying, Newcastle University, 1992, U.K. M.App Sci. in Topographic science, Glasgow University, 1989, UK. B.Sc. (Eng) in surveying engineering, University of Khartoum, 1983. Work Experience - 1982 (April to July) Trainee Surveyor, Louis Berger International, Eldwim – Rabak road. - 1984 -1985 Surveying Engineering, Sudan Survey Department. - 1996 – 1998 Secretary of training for the Surveying Engineering Department and technical supervisor of surveying camp for civil and surveying engineering students. - 1998 – 2000 survey expert with OGP Technical Services Sudan. Bhd. For PMT ( MBODP). - GIS Diploma courses coordinator in the department. - From 2000 – 2004, Assoc. Prof. Surveying Engineering department, Faculty of Eng. And Arch. University of Khartoum, Sudan. - Teaching Geographic Information Systems, Data Bases and Digital Mapping. - 2004 – 2006 survey engineer expert, with OGP Technical services Sdn.Bhd, For (PDOC) Melut Basin Oil Development Project.

Research Interest

Topographic mapping

Global Experts from Sudan

Global Experts in Subject

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