
Engineering Experts

Prof. Dr.-ing. Ali A. Rabah

Department of Engineering
University of Khartoum


Prof. Rabah, a Sudanese national born in 1967. He is a graduate of University of Khartoum with a BSc honor in Chemical Engineering in 1989. He obtained MSc in Mechanical Engineering (thermodynamic) in 1996 from University of Nairobi, Kenya and PhD (Dr.-Ing) in Mechanical Engineering (thermodynamic) in 2003 from Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. He was Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellow at Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg in 2008. He is employed by University of Khartoum since 1991 and developed his career up to a Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering in March 2014. He teaches the subjects of heat transfer, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, process integration, and energy management at both BSc and MSc levels at the Departments of chemical, mechanical and petroleum engineering. Prof. Rabah major areas of research are Energy and environment. His total number of publications is about 50 including 18 in international peer-reviewed journals and 2 books and one patent. He is the first author in 29 papers. He supervises about 10 PhD students , 30 MSc students and 4 Diploma-Ing students. He supervised about 60 BSc final year projects. He is a reviewer to a number of international and local journals; for example he is a reviewer of the Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Stoffe-und Waermeuebertragung) and international journal of heat and mass transfer.

Research Interest

Prof Rabah’s areas of interest are energy and environmental management.

Global Experts from Sudan

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