Malmborg Hager Ann-christin
Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager has a PhD in immunoassay technology. Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager has commercial experience from current and previous positions as CEO of SenzaGen AB, she has previously been CEO of several start-up companies including Cantargia, Diaprost, XImmune and Investment Director. In addition, Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager has experience in Business Development. Current appointments: Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager is Chief Executive Officer for SenzaGen AB. Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager is a Board member of Diaprost AB, Hager Consulting, Avena Partners AB and bulb Intelligence AB. Completed appointments (last five years): Ann-Christin Malmborg Hager has been a Board member of WC Likvid AB, Cantargia AB and XImmune AB.
Research Interest
immunoassay technology