
Healthcare Experts

Erlend B. Smeland

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Magnus Gulbrandsen is professor at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at the University of Oslo. For several years he has studied university-industry collaboration, commercialization of research, and various aspects of innovation in Norway and other countries – from entrepreneurship in Berlin to public venture capital in the US. In addition to books and scientific articles, Gulbrandsen has contributed in evaluations and as consultant to Norwegian and international organisations such as the OECD.

Research Interest

Magnus Gulbrandsen is professor at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at the University of Oslo. For several years he has studied university-industry collaboration, commercialization of research, and various aspects of innovation in Norway and other countries – from entrepreneurship in Berlin to public venture capital in the US. In addition to books and scientific articles, Gulbrandsen has contributed in evaluations and as consultant to Norwegian and international organisations such as the OECD.

Global Experts from Sweden

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