Helena Hansson
Lund University
I am a social worker and has previously worked clinically as a curator for addiction and addiction care and psychiatric outpatient care at Psychiatry Skåne, Region Skåne. My research area is primarily quality assurance and evaluation of treatment interventions given to patients with psychiatric problems as well as method development in the field of approach and meeting with relatives of people with an addiction problem.Social Work I am a social worker and has previously worked clinically as a curator for addiction and addiction care and psychiatric outpatient care at Psychiatry Skåne, Region Skåne. My research area is primarily quality assurance and evaluation of treatment interventions given to patients with psychiatric problems as well as method development in the field of approach and meeting with relatives of people with an addiction problem.Social Work
Research Interest
Social Work
An intervention program for university students who have parents with alcohol problems: A randomized controlled trial
Two-year outcome of an intervention program for university students who have parents with alcohol problems: A randomized controlled trial
Ontwerp van een web-based individueel coping en alcohol-interventieprogramma (web-ICAIP) voor kinderen van ouders met alcoholproblemen: studieprotocol voor een randomized controlled trial