
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Kristina Göransson

Lund University


Since 2016, I have been the course leader of the Socio-program's graduate course, where I also conduct and exam papers. I also teach the course Social Sciences and Social Work, which aims to give the students basic knowledge of social science perspectives and theories. In addition to this, I am included in the assessment group for the Social Science School's SIDA-funded MFS scholarships, which give students the opportunity to do field studies in a developing country within the framework of their thesis work. Since 2016, I have been the course leader of the Socio-program's graduate course, where I also conduct and exam papers. I also teach the course Social Sciences and Social Work, which aims to give the students basic knowledge of social science perspectives and theories. In addition to this, I am included in the assessment group for the Social Science School's SIDA-funded MFS scholarships, which give students the opportunity to do field studies in a developing country within the framework of their thesis work.

Research Interest

I studied in social anthropology in 2006 with a dissertation on the generation contract among Chinese families in today's Singapore. The study is based on an ethnographic fieldwork and examines how the expectations and obligations between the elderly and the younger are renegotiated in view of the extremely rapid modernization of the country and the generations that resulted in this. In 2007, I was visiting researcher at the Ecole des Hautes Études, a Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. I have been working at the School of Social Sciences since 2008 and is part of the research area Child - Family - Welfare. My research interests concern primary family and generations from an anthropological perspective, parental practitioners, parents' educational careers, Singapore / Southeast Asia, gender, ethnographic method.


  • Resituating Parenthood: Emergent Subjects and Shifting Power Relations in Urban East Asian Families

  • 'The Mumpreneur': Intensive Motherhood, Maternal Identity and the Meaning of Educational Work in Singapore

  • Yearbook 2016 - Social High School

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