David Louis, Charles Solomon
Chatfield Pharmaceuticals
Dr David Louis Charles Solomon holds 11 appointments at 11 active companies, has resigned from 2 companies and held 5 appointments at 5 dissolved companies. DAVID began their first appointment at the age of 25. Their longest current appointment spans 17 years, 11 months and 15 days at GENESIS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where DAVID holds a current appointment equals £550k, a combined total current assets value of £12.4m with a total current liabilities of £9.2m and a total current net worth of £4m. Roles associated with Dr David Louis Charles Solomon within the recorded businesses include: Director, Company Secretary Dr David Louis Charles Solomon holds 11 appointments at 11 active companies, has resigned from 2 companies and held 5 appointments at 5 dissolved companies. DAVID began their first appointment at the age of 25. Their longest current appointment spans 17 years, 11 months and 15 days at GENESIS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where DAVID holds a current appointment equals £550k, a combined total current assets value of £12.4m with a total current liabilities of £9.2m and a total current net worth of £4m. Roles associated with Dr David Louis Charles Solomon within the recorded businesses include: Director, Company Secretary
Research Interest