Nemanja Škorić
Computer Science
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
06/2013 – Present Teaching Assistant at ETH, Zürich. { Teaching and designing Algorithms Lab course. 09/2007 – 03/2011 Software Developer, Wowd Inc., California (Department in Belgrade). Wowd is a peer-to-peer real-time service for web-wide discovery and search. { I was the lead of the web-page summarization team. { Main task was designing an algorithm for extracting a snippet of a web page to be presented with the search results. 07/2008 – 10/2008 Intern, Microsoft Development Center Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. { I was developing a tool for enabling easier editing of hand-written formulas.
Research Interest
My research area is probabilistic combinatorics and random discrete structures, which lies at the intersection of discrete mathematics and probability theory. Particular interests include random graph theory and Ramsey theory.
Almost-spanning universality in random graphs
An algorithmic framework for obtaining lower bounds for random Ramsey problems (full version)
A tight Erdős-Pósa function for long cycles