Pannell John
Full Professor
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
University of Lausanne
Pannell John of the Master of Science in Medical Biology hosted by the University of Lausanne.Faculty of Biology and Medicine. Ludwig Lausanne Branch Function (s): Full Professor.
Research Interest
My research is directed towards understanding the evolution of plant gender, sexual dimorphism, sex allocation strategies, and sex chromosomes; the ecology, genetics and evolution of polyploidy, especially in its interaction with the sexual system; the evolution of local adaptation, particularly in colonizing plant species; and the ecology and population genetics of metapopulations and range expansions subject to repeated local extinctions and re-colonisations.
Käfer J, Marais GA, Pannell JR. (2017). On the rarity of dioecy in flowering plants. Molecular ecology. 2017 Mar 1;26(5):1225-41.
Vilas JS, Pannell JR. (2017). No difference in plasticity between different ploidy levels in the Mediterranean herb Mercurialis annua. Scientific Reports. 2017;7.
Voillemot M, Pannell JR. (2017). Maintenance of mixed mating after the loss of self-incompatibility in a long-lived perennial herb. Annals of botany. 2016 Dec 10;119(1):177-90.