Wan-ching Chen
Associate Professor
Foreign Languages
Chaoyang University of Technology
Wan-Ching Chen , Associate Professor, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Chaoyang University of Technology, Educational qualification: University of Texas at San Antonio,Ph.D. in biculture and bilingual research, Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Pennsylvania State University Master of English Teaching, M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language,The Pennsylvania State University Work experiences: Chaoyang University of Science and Technology Foreign Language Center full lecturer, Department of Applied Foreign Languages, Chaoyang University of Science and Technology
Research Interest
Research Methodology and Research Design, Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language
Chen, W. (2009). Book Review: Teenagers, Literacy, and School: Researching in Multilingual Contexts. By Ken Cruickshank. NY: Routledge. 2006. Pp: xvi+246. International Multilingual Research Journal, 3(2), 153-155.
Chen, W. (2009). Motivating Students to Learn English at Taiwanese Technological Universities: A Sociolinguistic Approach. UNAM, San Antonio, TX.
Chen, W. (2011). Taiwanese Students’ Beliefs about Learning English and Their Relations to the Students’ Self-reported Language Learning Behaviors. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX.