Hua - Yi Chien
Department of Environmental Engineering and Science
Fooyin University
Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat - Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Sep. 2005 - January 2010 ). M.S., Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat - Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Sep. 2004 - July 2005) and B.S., Department of Environmental Engineering and Sanitation, Fooying University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.( Sep. 2002 - July 2004). Director , Environmental Technology Development Department in Taiwan VCM Corporation, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.(2016 - present ). Project Manager, Biotechnology R&D Room in Taiwan VCM Corpo r ation , Kaohsiung, Taiwan.(2009 - 2015.
Research Interest
Soil and groundwater remediation, Remediat ion system design and application, Waste water treatment, Water resource and watershed management
Chien, H.Y. , Kao, C.M. , Chen, S.C. , Chen , Y.L. 2008. Bioremediation of a petroleum - hydrocarbon contaminated aquifer by in situ biosparging system Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 136, Supplement 1, Page S653
Tsai, T.T., Kao, C.M., Yeh, T.Y., Liang, S.H., Chien, H.Y. 200 9 . Application of surfactant enhanced permanganate oxidation and bidegradation of trichloroethylene in groundwater , Journal of Hazardous Materials v161, p111 - 119. ( SCI )
Kao, C.M., Chien, H.Y . ; Surampalli, Rao Y.; Sung, W.P. Application of biopile system for the remediation of petroleum - hydrocarbon contaminated soils, World Environmental and Water Resources: Great Rivers, v 342, 2575 - 2584, 2009. (EI)
Kao, C.M. , Chien , H.Y. , Surampalli , R. Y., Hou , Frank . 20 10 . Assessing of natural attenuation and intrinsic bioremediation r ate s at a petroleum - hydrocarbon s pill s ite : laboratory and field studies. Journal of Environmental Engineering , 13 6(1), 54 - 67 . (SCI)
Chien, H.Y. , Kao, C.M., J.K. Liu, Rao Y.Surampalli . 20 10 . Clean up petroleum - hydrocarbon contaminated soils using enhanced bioremediation system: laboratory feasibility study . Journal of Environm ental Engineering , 13 6(6), 597 - 6 06 . (SCI)
H.Y. Chien , R.Y. Surampalli, C. M . Kao, W.Y. Huang, and F. Hou. 201 1 . Development of a four - phase remedial scheme to cleanup petroleum - hydrocarbon contaminated soils . Journal of Environmental Engineering , 137 ( 7 ), 602 - 610 . (SCI)